
December 22, 2022

Scorable Version of NATF Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire Now Available

Based on industry feedback, the NATF has developed a scorable version of the Energy Sector Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire to provide an optional format for entities to help assess supply chain risk. This optional format provides all the same questions as the existing questionnaire but adds the ability for entities to provide their own per-question score and weight to a completed questionnaire. This flexible approach allows entities to adjust weights to reflect their unique needs or priorities while allowing for the consistent evaluation of multiple responses. No prescribed thresholds or requirements are made by the NATF, and all scores are provided by the entities themselves.

This new version is posted on the NATF’s public Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination site. Use the “Scorable Option” link to the right of Energy Sector Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire V3.0.

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November 02, 2022

NATF Congratulates Tony Eddleman

The NATF congratulates Tony Eddleman, director of NERC reliability compliance at Nebraska Public Power District, for receiving the 2022 E-ISAC Electricity Security Service Award in honor of Michael J. Assante. Manny Cancel, sr. vice president and CEO of the E-ISAC, presented the award to Tony during this week’s GridSecCon event. Tony’s commitment to excellence, work ethic, and tireless efforts have benefited industry and NATF progress in supply chain risk management.

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November 02, 2022

Annual Supply Chain Criteria and Questionnaire Revision Process Underway

The NATF is commencing the annual revision process for the “NATF Supply Chain Security Criteria” and the “Energy Sector Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire.” The revision process, the criteria, and the questionnaire are posted on the NATF’s public Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination site. The process is open to industry, suppliers, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Input on the criteria and questionnaire can be submitted to supplychain@natf.net until close of business February 17 for consideration in the 2023 review cycle.

As the criteria and questionnaire are mechanisms to drive convergence on the information needed to conduct supplier risk assessments, it is important that the information you need to conduct risk analyses is included!

As a reminder: The criteria and questionnaire capture supplier information important to the electric sector for conducting risk assessments while keeping the amount of data received to a manageable level. The criteria are also verifiable. They are mapped to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) frameworks; and while NIST does not have a third-party certification or assessment available, the criteria are also mapped to other security frameworks that are certified or assessed by a qualified third-party. Note that while there is not a single security framework that addresses all criteria, including NIST, most can be verified by obtaining a combination of certifications and/or assessments.

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October 17, 2022

October 2022 Newsletter Posted

The NATF's latest external newsletter, now available on our newsletters page, includes the following articles:

  • Facility Ratings Risk Construct
  • FERC Order 881 (Ambient-Adjusted Ratings)
  • Redacted Operating Experience Reports

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October 06, 2022

NATF Facility Ratings Risk Construct Posted for Industry Use

The “NATF Risk Construct for Prioritizing Facility Ratings Reviews” document has been posted for industry use on the NATF public website. This document supplements the publicly posted “Key NATF Practices for Facility Ratings” document (a summary of the NATF member-confidential practices for facility ratings and how the practices address the issues and align with the controls identified by the ERO Enterprise in the November 1, 2019, ERO Facility Ratings Problem Statement) by providing a risk-based approach for prioritizing implementation of the practices, specifically baseline reviews and periodic reviews to confirm ongoing accuracy of ratings and effective operation of controls.

Given the magnitude of performing comprehensive reviews of all facilities, a Transmission Owner may want to consider a phased approach, with an emphasis on higher-risk facilities as the starting point. A good starting point is to conduct a review of a limited sample of facilities, evaluate the results, and, if necessary, expand the sample for review. This is best accomplished by initially targeting facilities with higher risk to BES reliability or higher likelihood for facility ratings error and continuing until all facilities have been reviewed.

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July 06, 2022

July 2022 Newsletter Posted

The NATF's latest external newsletter, now available on our newsletters page, includes the following articles:

  • NATF Posts Updated Supply Chain Criteria and Risk Questionnaire
  • FERC Order 881 (Ambient-Adjusted Ratings)
  • Return to In-Person Activities
  • Grid Transformation

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June 06, 2022

NATF Supply Chain Criteria and Risk Questionnaire Version 3.0 Posted for Industry Use

The “NATF Supply Chain Security Criteria” and “Energy Sector Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire” version 3.0 documents and associated revision process have been posted for industry use on the Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination page of the NATF public website. A new “Version History” link has been added, which includes all prior versions and redlines of the NATF criteria and risk questionnaire.

The updates have been reviewed and accepted by the ERO Enterprise to ensure its continued endorsement of the two NATF CIP-013 Implementation Guidance documents: “NATF CIP-013 Implementation Guidance: Independence Assessments of Vendors” and “NATF CIP-013 Implementation Guidance: Supply Chain Risk Management Plans.” This provision has been added to the revision process so the NATF does not need to resubmit the NATF Implementation Guidance documents to the ERO Enterprise for re-endorsement after each revision cycle. Specifically, the ERO has the ability to review the proposed changes and notify the NATF if any of the proposed revisions would cause the ERO to revoke its endorsement. 

In addition to the updates to the revision process, revisions for the 2022 revision cycle include three new criteria, two new questions, and the removal of four questions that were determined to be duplicative. Other minor changes include additional notes and terminology updates to provide clarity.

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April 09, 2022

April 2022 Newsletter Posted

The NATF's latest external newsletter, now available on our newsletters page, includes the following articles:

  • ERO Enterprise Endorses NATF Implementation Guidance for CIP-013
  • NATF Criteria, Questionnaire, and Revision Process Updates Posted for Industry-Wide Comment through April 13
  • FERC Order 881 (Ambient-Adjusted Ratings)
  • NATF Resilience Work Continues with Roadmap
  • Redacted Operating Experience Reports

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March 14, 2022

NATF Criteria, Questionnaire, and Revision Process Revisions Posted for Industry-Wide Comment through April 13

The NATF Criteria and Questionnaire Revision Team has reviewed suggestions for modifications to the “NATF Supply Chain Security Criteria,” “Energy Sector Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire,” and associated revision process. The proposed changes have been posted for industry-wide comment through April 13 on the NATF  Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination page. Input can be submitted to supplychain@natf.net.

Please review the criteria, questionnaire, and revision process for changes indicated by red text.

A summary of changes is available in the “Version History” notes section of each document. The redlines for the questionnaire are provided in the formatted version only; conforming final changes will be made to the unformatted version.

The revision team will review comments in April and May and provide a summary of its determinations. The updated documents will be posted following NATF board approval in June.

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March 07, 2022

ERO Enterprise Endorses NATF Implementation Guidance for CIP-013

On February 28, the ERO Enterprise endorsed two NATF Implementation Guidance documents, further signaling the ERO Enterprise’s support of the NATF supply chain security model, criteria, and questionnaire. The endorsement provides entities confidence that using the security approach provided in the NATF model is one way to meet regulatory requirements. It is anticipated that the ERO’s endorsement will encourage further adoption of these tools, thereby supporting industry convergence.

About the Documents

"NATF CIP-013 Implementation Guidance: Using Independent Assessments of Vendors”
This guidance describes one way a Responsible Entity may meet the obligations in Requirements R1 and R2 when relying upon a qualified independent assessment of suppliers' security practices. It is an update to the existing ERO-endorsed NATF CIP-013 implementation guidance to include CIP-013-2 and to incorporate the NATF supply chain security model, criteria, questionnaire, and revision process.

“NATF CIP-013 Implementation Guidance: Supply Chain Risk Management Plans”
This guidance addresses how the use of the NATF supply chain security model, criteria, and questionnaire, if implemented appropriately, offers one method to meet compliance with CIP-013-1 and CIP-013-2 Requirements R1 and R2 to develop and implement supply chain cyber security risk management plans for high and medium impact Bulk Electric System (BES) Cyber Systems and their associated Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems (EACMS) and Physical Access Control Systems (PACS).

The documents are posted on the NATF  Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination website.

About the Model

Supported by the Industry Organizations Team, the NATF model and the industry-developed complementary products (e.g., the criteria and questionnaire) provide a streamlined, effective, and efficient industry-accepted approach for entities to evaluate supply chain security practices.

The five-step model provides a solid foundation for identifying, assessing, and mitigating supply chain risks; provides for inclusion of suppliers and solution providers depending upon each entity’s needs; and provides for flexibility of each entity’s implementation. See more about the model and supporting documents on the NATF Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination website.

About ERO Endorsement

Endorsement of an example means the ERO Enterprise compliance monitoring and enforcement staff will give the method described in the  example deference when conducting compliance monitoring activities. The NATF documents are posted on NERC’s “Compliance Guidance" site using the ERO’s naming convention:

  • “CIP-013 Using Independent Assessments of Vendors (NATF)”
  • “CIP-013 Supply Chain Risk Management Plans (NATF)”

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February 03, 2022

NATF Submits CIP-013 Supply Chain Implementation Guidance to the ERO

The NATF has submitted two implementation guidance documents to NERC for ERO endorsement. These documents are focused on security approaches that, if applied appropriately, will meet compliance requirements, but do not create or impose any additional requirements on entities.

The ERO Enterprise’s endorsement of an example means the ERO Enterprise CMEP staff will give such an example deference when conducting compliance monitoring activities. For more information on ERO Implementation Guidance, see: https://www.nerc.com/pa/comp/guidance/Pages/default.aspx.

“NATF CIP-013 Implementation Guidance: Using Independent Assessments of Vendors”
This guidance describes one way a Responsible Entity may meet the obligations in Requirements R1 and R2 when relying upon a qualified independent assessment of suppliers' security practices. It is an update to the existing ERO-endorsed NATF CIP-013 implementation guidance to include CIP-013-2 and to incorporate the NATF criteria, ESSCR questionnaire, and revision process.

“NATF CIP-013 Implementation Guidance: Supply Chain Risk Management Plans”
This guidance addresses how the use of the NATF “Supply Chain Security Assessment Model,” the NATF criteria, and ESSCR questionnaire, if implemented appropriately, offers one method to meet compliance with CIP-013-1 and CIP-013-2 Requirements R1 and R2 to develop and implement supply chain cyber security risk management plans for high and medium impact Bulk Electric System (BES) Cyber Systems and their associated Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems (EACMS) and Physical Access Control Systems (PACS).

The documents will be posted on the NERC webpage while they are under consideration for endorsement and are also available on the Supply Chain Industry Coordination page of the NATF public website.

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January 20, 2022

Annual Supply Chain Criteria and Questionnaire Revision Process Underway

The NATF is commencing the annual revision process for the “NATF Supply Chain Security Criteria” and the “Energy Sector Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire.” The revision process, the criteria, and the questionnaire are posted on the NATF’s public Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination site. The process is open to industry, suppliers, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Input on the criteria and questionnaire can be submitted to supplychain@natf.net until close of business February 18 for consideration in the 2022 review cycle.

As the criteria and questionnaire are mechanisms to drive convergence on the information needed to conduct supplier risk assessments and are expected to be the basis for information included in a potential central library, it is important that the information you need to conduct risk analyses is included!

As a reminder: The criteria and questionnaire capture supplier information important to the electric sector for conducting risk assessments while keeping the amount of data received to a manageable level. The criteria are also verifiable. They are mapped to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework; and while NIST does not have a third-party certification or assessment available, the criteria are also mapped to other security frameworks that are certified or assessed by a qualified third-party. Note that while there is not a single security framework that addresses all criteria, including NIST, most can be verified by obtaining a combination of certifications and/or assessments.

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January 20, 2022

January 2022 Newsletter Posted

The NATF's latest external newsletter, now available on our newsletters page, includes the following articles:

  • Annual Supply Chain Criteria and Questionnaire Revision Process Underway
  • Central Library for Supply Chain Risk Information
  • Facility Ratings
  • Value of NATF Peer Reviews
  • Redacted Operating Experience Reports

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January 11, 2022

Survey for Suppliers of Products or Services for the Electric Industry

The North American Transmission Forum (NATF), working with the organizations identified below, is facilitating a survey to obtain initial input on the development of a central repository/library to support the efficient sharing of required supply-chain-related security information from companies that supply products or services for the electric system and energy sector.

The primary objective is to reduce supply chain risks; a repository could serve to significantly reduce the level of effort to achieve this objective—for both companies required to ensure adequate vendor security and for vendors supporting this sector by limiting the number of times they have to provide the same security information.

This survey provides you an opportunity to include your ideas and input in the development of this central library.

The survey can be accessed HERE and will be open through January 24. A pdf version of the survey is available for your convenience.

Supply chain breaches continue to be a risk to operational reliability and national security. Entities looking to implement supply chain risk management—as well as government, insurers, and other interested parties—have begun requiring the submission of basic security and hygiene data to better assess risks across third-party vendors. The development of a central repository, or library, of this commonly and repeatedly requested data is an opportunity for the electric industry to forward the implementation of a vendor assessment solution mitigating supply chain risks rather than having a solution imposed upon the industry through an executive order, regulation, or other method.

A viable central library that can provide information to help all participants identify and mitigate supply-chain risks will significantly reduce the level of effort associated with these evolving requirements. However, developing and establishing this library in a manner that meets your needs and security objectives relies on your support/participation and the support/participation from industry companies. The first step is to obtain good input and feedback. Your responses to this supplier-side survey will be used to ensure the development of a central library will best support these efforts across all stakeholders. A parallel effort is also underway to obtain input from industry companies. Collectively, these will be used to build a leading practice library to enhance our ability to more efficiently conduct supplier risk assessments and supplement our approach to mitigating supplier risk.

The survey consists of 26 questions, with a free-form write-in option at the end of the survey for you to provide additional input. Please provide responses to as many of the questions as you can. Your feedback is important to guide the appropriate development of a central library.

If you have any difficulty in accessing the survey or questions, please contact Valerie Agnew at vagnew@natf.net.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey!

Supporting Organizations
CNK Solutions
Hitachi Power Grids
International Society of Automation (ISA)
Schneider Electric
Schweitzer Engineering Labs (SEL)
US Chamber of Commerce

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March 05, 2021

NATF and NERC to Host Webinar on Pandemic Planning and Response Activities

On March 17, the North American Transmission Forum (NATF) and North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) will host a webinar about pandemic planning and response activities as well as resources available to industry. Opening remarks will be provided by Commissioner Neil Chatterjee, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC); Tom Galloway, president and CEO of NATF; and Manny Cancel, senior vice president of NERC and CEO of the Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC). The webinar will feature presentations on pandemic activities from the following organizations:

  • NATF
  • NERC
  • E-ISAC
  • Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council (ESCC)
  • Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
  • European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)
  • European Commission (Directorate-General for Energy)

The webinar will be held from 9:00–11:00 a.m. eastern. For more information or assistance, please contact Ted Franks at tfranks@natf.net or 704-945-1949.

Agenda | Webinar Registration | NATF COVID-19 Page

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