About the NATF
The North American Transmission Forum (NATF) is built on the principle that the open and candid exchange of information among its members is the key to improving the reliability of the transmission systems in the U.S. and Canada.
Recent News
October 02, 2023
The recently posted NATF Supply Chain Risk Management Guidance document provides a high-level overview of key supply chain risk management elements, practices, and resources that are available for entities as they consider implementing, developing, or maturing their own comprehensive supply chain risk management programs. Prominently featured are the NATF's supply chain resources, although resources from other industry participants, such as APPA and EEI, are also included and discussed.
This document revises and replaces the NATF Cyber Security Supply Chain Risk Management Guidance document, created in 2018 in response to the NERC Board of Trustees’ request that the NATF and NAGF “develop white papers to address best and leading practices in supply chain management, including procurement, specifications, vendor requirements and existing equipment management, that are shared across the membership of each Forum, and to the extent permissible under any applicable confidentiality requirements, distribute such white papers to industry.”
The revised document references updated supply chain resources created by the NATF and industry since the publication of the 2018 document, such as the Supply Chain Security Assessment Model, NATF Supply Chain Security Criteria, Energy Sector Supply Chain Risk Questionnaire, and NATF-developed implementation guidance endorsed by the ERO Enterprise. The document may be found on NATF’s public Supply Chain Cyber Security Industry Coordination site.